Shit I’m pale! Managed to escape to the beach for a few hours with my wonderful friends Nóirín O’Brien and Marianne Müller today. I’m having my first Coronary Angiogram in the morning😲.Yes I’m a bit freaked, it’s another one without general anesthetic and I’m wondering what they might find. Here 2 weeks on Monday, wondering if I’m gonna spend more time here than not from here on in😕 Cancer you rotten bastard. 😡
Today was not a good day, at 5am this morning having been coughing and wheezing so hard all night that I ached everywhere and was completely exhausted. I relented and took half a sleeping tablet. I wasn’t even going to take that prescription, but my GP said they might be usefull. I got some sleep and went to the Doc this afternoon. She thinks I may have another infection, or the lung may have filled up again?I need an X-ray to confirm.She gave me a…Continue Reading “Gimme a break”
So now it seems that since I’ve had fluid on the heart and a heart surgery ,I may be restricted as to which cancer treatments I can have as some of them have greater side effects on the heart !!! Seriously is this not the most heinous, rotten, disgusting, relentless bastard of a disease. Somebody please find a way to wipe it out. 😡
Ok so I finally spoke to my Oncologist. The bad news is I probably have to stay put till next week😔 The good news is my new drug is in and she thinks we should give it a shot and stick Chemo on the backburner for now☺. I’ll take prayers, novenas all of it. Please god let it work and let me live some. ❤❤❤
So yesterday I had nearly a litre of fluid drained from the lining of my heart(the second in 4 days) and 2 litres drained from my right lung (without anesthetic,but it was a doddle compaired to last time,having the Frames blaring in my ear helped too☺). I now have a drain in each, plus a cathether, and a canula in my jugular. I’m not posting this for sympathy and I really don’t mean to upset you❤ but this is the reality of stage IV cancer and…Continue Reading “Cure”
Just arrived in CUH for surgery, the heart filled up again😢.Will be here for a few days, in intensive care to start. X
I’m not please jasus on my last legs, these are just musings as I lie here with a nebulizer on my face ( a new and just a tad scary experience). There are many ways cancer can get you, heart failure, renal failure, respiratory failure, infection, sepsis, starvation etc, etc. Maybe mine has been decided, but things can change so fast. Earlier a lovely nurse came in closed the curtain and looked at me in such a way that I knew she had read my…Continue Reading “Really F…… unlucky”
So i’m in hospital again, can’t breath (Waterford this time, here’s hoping!). I’m still waiting for the new drug to be approved and to arrive, so it’s either start chemo or have the lung drained. I’ve decided to go for the latter. Fingers crossed they actually do something this time and I get home quick x
So last Tuesday I had a port (a small device inserted under the skin in the upper chest attached to a tube that connects to a vein in the neck) inserted under local anaesthetic. It’s not a very nice procedure that involves a lot of tugging and pressure to the area. So I’m thinking since I’ve had surgery on the right, with several skin lesions on the site and several fragile ribs it might be better if they put it on the left. I sign…Continue Reading “Port”