Christmas in Norway A  Christmas cliche maybe, but my christmas ideal, wrapped around me like a cosy blanket. They are not mine and if I wasn’t here I wouldn’t be missed, but how wonderful to know that this exists. The huge rambling, shabby chic wooden house overflowing with well loved antiques and the laughter and conversation of woolly socked extended family. Mellow nooks and huge fires, festive tunes played on the piano, glasses of port and beer chilled in the drifts, mountains of food laid…Continue Reading “HYGGE”

It’s two years today since life as I knew it changed forever and I was diagnosed with breast cancer ( and subsequently advanced breast cancer). I’ve learned a lot in those 2 years, mostly obvious stuff that we just seem to loose sight of. Like most of the stuff we worry about doesn’t really matter, and worrying won’t change anything anyway. Like more stuff won’t make us happier but more wonderful experiences and memories will. Like we really can choose to be happy despite our…Continue Reading “Happy Christmas”

I wake up around 6.30 in terror. I should be relieved  that surgery is off the cards I didn’t want it but I didn’t want chemo either and now I’m furious as I don’t have an option and what if surgery was the  best option? I lie awake waiting for the oncology office to open so I can call Carmel. I’ve had so much conflicting information in the last week my heads fried. I call the hospital , it seems that assumptions were made and…Continue Reading “Second opinion (tumour gone amuk)”