On the way home now, but everything’s changed, life is curtailed. This summer I’ve missed a planned trip to Norway, a week in Ireland with my visiting friend, a week with visiting family, all the usual outings and spontaneous activities that keep me going through all this cancer bullshit. I’ve never been in an Oncology ward before, they put me in a ward full of newbies and early stagers they were giddy with hope but their fear was palpable. They kept trying to talk to…Continue Reading “Less”
So it doesn’t appear to be a clot, but it was so late when they finally did the scan they have to review it again tomorrow. To say I’m upset is a slight bit of an understatement. I do have an infection which is apparently causing the pain and need to continue IV antibiotics here in hospital. This means I will miss my brother and his kids entire visit, which I have been looking forward to since I came out of hospital last. As well…Continue Reading “Missed the kids”
I met Ann DowleySpillane earlier this year. Walking into a new support centre is never easy, but this time was different. The lovely informality, like the warm, comfortable, sitting room of an old friend.Greeted with a hug, no mincing of words, no euphemisms.It’s a Cancer Support Centre, we all know why we are here, and most of us are craving that connection with someone in our situation.Some of us are less vocal and confidentiality is very important,for others being irrerevant and having a sense of humour about…Continue Reading “Girls club”
Every morning since my surgery except the first when a very young sweet nurse, a baby really, gave me a bed bath I have washed myself in front of this bathroom mirror. The first time was a bit of a shock, a single breast, mastectomy scar and skin lesions, nothing new there, but then there are the angry red blotches from the heart monitor stickers, that I am so desperately allergic to. The swollen abdomen, a wad of dressing covering the wound where they cut…Continue Reading “Heart “
Shit I’m pale! Managed to escape to the beach for a few hours with my wonderful friends Nóirín O’Brien and Marianne Müller today. I’m having my first Coronary Angiogram in the morning😲.Yes I’m a bit freaked, it’s another one without general anesthetic and I’m wondering what they might find. Here 2 weeks on Monday, wondering if I’m gonna spend more time here than not from here on in😕 Cancer you rotten bastard. 😡
Today was not a good day, at 5am this morning having been coughing and wheezing so hard all night that I ached everywhere and was completely exhausted. I relented and took half a sleeping tablet. I wasn’t even going to take that prescription, but my GP said they might be usefull. I got some sleep and went to the Doc this afternoon. She thinks I may have another infection, or the lung may have filled up again?I need an X-ray to confirm.She gave me a…Continue Reading “Gimme a break”
So now it seems that since I’ve had fluid on the heart and a heart surgery ,I may be restricted as to which cancer treatments I can have as some of them have greater side effects on the heart !!! Seriously is this not the most heinous, rotten, disgusting, relentless bastard of a disease. Somebody please find a way to wipe it out. 😡
Ok so I finally spoke to my Oncologist. The bad news is I probably have to stay put till next week😔 The good news is my new drug is in and she thinks we should give it a shot and stick Chemo on the backburner for now☺. I’ll take prayers, novenas all of it. Please god let it work and let me live some. ❤❤❤
I’m bored so I’ve decided to do a hospital food/ catering critique of the 5 hospitals I’ve stayed in to date. I subsidize my hospital food with, fruit and nuts/ nutbutters, advocados,pukka clean Greens powder and food brought in by friends and family. I don’t believe there is very much healing in hospital food it’s usually overcooked and overprocessed! Breakfast is rubbish and the same in all hospitals Cereal or porridge with about 5 sachets of white sugar, white toast or McCambridge bread( whats…Continue Reading “Food matters”